Insta Catch Up | Autumn Days

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Autumn leaves | Breakfast of champions | Prettiest bra ever | Feeling festive | Misty countryside days | Halloween treats | Outdoor gym time | Salted caramel heaven in a pot | An elusive rainbow | Weekend brunching | The last of the Autumn days | Five Guys

I love beautiful Autumnal colours, that moment when the leaves start to fall from the trees and everything is orange and yellow is one of my favourites of the year and this November, I really appreciated how stunning Autumn can be in the countryside. With festive decorations going up, weather which is still warm enough to go running outside without freezing, Halloween and cosy nights in with yummy desserts (this one from Pots & Co is insane) it's been a pretty chilled out yet lovely month. I also discovered Five Guys last week which lived up to expectations, seriously so good! Food has been a huge part of this month for me and I'm sure it will continue to be so as the Christmas season is upon us and lets be honest, food is one of the best things about Christmas...mince pie anyone?
I've been trying to get my Instagram looking pretty and colourful over the last few months - you can find me at ablondex, and it's starting to feel like I'm getting into a pattern which I'm really happy with. I've definitely been a bit of an Insta-addict recently, so let me know yours as I always love new accounts to stalk follow.

I hope you've had a wonderful November.

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